Social/Historical Connections: The Yellow Wallpaper makes a historical connection to the world because it related to the mistreatment of women in the 1900s.
The Yellow Wallpaper is a story that took place in the 1900's about a woman named Jane who is being controlled by her husband. Since Jane was diagnosed with a nervous disorder, her husband, John, forced her to stay locked in a room on the second story of their house in the woods. While she was stuck in this room her husband would constantly control her and force her to rest (Gilman 2). Typically in the 1900's men "controlled" women and it was hard for them to stick up for themselves and make their own decisions. It was thought that men were to go out and work while the women stayed inside and cooked and cleaned. Rather than clean, while John worked everyday,he forced Jane to stay in her room and rest. Also throughout the story when John refers to Jane as a child and calls her things such as, "little girl"and "little goose", it could be seen as mistreatment of women (Gilman 6). Since the writing of this story took place during this time period it is no surprise to see John treat Jane the way that he treats her. : This Website gives facts, examples, and even shows tables on how men were thought to be superior to women in the 1900's. : provides with a lot of information explaining thoughts on women in the 1900's.
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